Thursday 6 November 2014

Do you like music??? Try it!!

Do you know this song? It's called "Wings" and the singer's name is Birdy. Does it seem familiar?
Si te gusta la música intenta este challenge. Completa todas las palabras que faltan en la letra de la canción!


Friday 6 June 2014

The "Happy song" to practise your English :)

- See more at:

Sunday 25 May 2014

Tablets & Laptops for Matter

In this website you will find the answers to your questions about Matter. Don't forget write the questions and the answers on your notebook!

Friday 23 May 2014

MATTER: Mass, Volume and Density

Take a look at this video and draw a mind map on your notebook about these PROPERTIES OF THE MATTER
Ah! And here you have a new Positive Point Question: What's the difference between MASS and WEIGHT? Can you explain with one example? 

Tuesday 20 May 2014

Let's talk about... MATTER

Dear students,
This is the task that now you have to do.
In small groups of 3 students, with 1 laptop and 1 tablet:
1. Answer the questions about the flashcards that we have just seen:

2. Play the funny skater game, making everything dissapear!

3. Finally, do the test, it will be really easy for you!

Monday 21 April 2014

Let's study about... ANIMALS!

If you want to find out a lot of new things and information about Vertebrates and Invertebrates... Click on the next link!

Saturday 22 March 2014

Cortometraje de Animación: "CUERDAS" Ganador Premio Goya 2014

Papás y mamás, si tenéis 10 minutos para disfrutar con vuestros hijos de este cortometraje creo que os gustará, merece la pena. No se trata de Science ni de Physical Education, tan sólo de la vida misma.

The Five Kingdoms of living things

With these couple of videos you can understand much better which the Five Kingdoms are and how they are organised. Enjoy them!

Wednesday 19 March 2014

What do you know about Cells?

Look at this video and then you will understand much better everything about the Cells' world!

Thursday 13 March 2014

The Middle Ages: the Germanic tribes

Here let's have a look to these videos about Visigoths, Muslims and Christians. We have talking about that during the last days! I hope you can understand as many words as possible!